

Fusível brings Trinchax and Alfaro together on a journey through improvised electronic music.

Trinchax is one of the Algarve's leading names in improvised electronic music. The producer combines his creative work with the ability to create moments of enjoyment and cross-fertilisation at the various events he promotes and produces.

As a result of his creative drive and ability to mobilise, many artists unfamiliar with the world of electronica are introduced by him to this world of beats and synthesisers where there are no stereotypes for creating atmospheres.

It was during one of these explorations into improvised electronic music that Trinchax and Alfaro crossed paths and began a musical dialogue, creating the different sonic fragrances they create on stage.

05 July, friday

18h45: Lemon Tree Stay

20h15: Legend Gym


André Louro


Carol Vieira