

Sonas, the Serbian eclectic music group that combines electronic and progressive sound with a fun rhythm section and catchy, melodic vocal leads.

The group is influenced by their love for different cultures. This appreciation is reflected in the fusion of sounds (modern and ancient, Eastern and Western) and in the multilingual expression of the songs. Although the English language prevails, some of the lyrics have been written in Arabic, Spanish and Serbian.

Sonas have toured the big stages of some european countries, performing at events such as the Zelenkovac Jazz Fest in Bosnia, the Nefestik Music Festival in the Czech Republic, Pilsen in the Czech Republic, the Jazzaland Festival in Serbia, the Nisville Jazz Festival in Serbia, the Petrovac Jazz Festival in Montenegro and the Changeover Music Showcase Festival in Serbia.

Led by vocalist and songwriter Sara Vuletic, her ability to sing in different languages stands out. Along with her comes Branko Popovic, an award-winning drummer and musician, winner of the Zildjian prize and Eurovision runner-up in 2004.

06 July, saturday

20h00 e 22h00 - Casa d’Alagoa


Conversations at the Right Time


Patrick O'reilly