Marc Noah
Life happens. And with it a lot of love and some pain, a lot of ups and downs, smiles and inexplicable moments that are possible to count on a sheet of paper, and transformable into music. Emotions high and many stories to tell. And then comes the need to tell those stories, to explain what you feel and why you feel that way, to understand why you manage to be so strong and sometimes so weak that you don't even want to go outside. Then comes the need to tell them, to explain how you feel and the reason for this feeling, to understand why you can be so strong and sometimes so weak that you can't even move. But the stories have to come out! The weight of so much emotion does not allow to live and receive other loves. Other Colors and Emotions. Other adventures and stories that are what life means. To live. With this need comes Marc Noah. A storyteller who tells the stories of another Marc who prefers to stay in the background and see this new adventure unfold without the burden of other times. Everyone is invited to the trip.
July 7th, friday
Hostel New Vintage, 20:30
Ermida de Santo António do Alto, 22:30